Real, Lasting Impact

Start your Health and Wealth journey with 1:1 hypnosis sessions or on-your-own-time recordings for success in business and life. 

You've left the safe path and made the brave choice to start a business… now what?

If you’re like many business owners and struggling to get your business to thrive, personalized hypnotherapy can help you get to the root of your money blocks and draw in infinite potential.

Attract the people you want to work with, charge what you’re worth, and create an abundant business!


Spiritual Evolution

If you’ve been on the path of self-discovery for a while and feel like something’s still not clicking, it’s time to explore hypnosis.

Get real, lasting results in your spiritual growth and self-discovery with hypnosis for happiness and growth.

Explore how hypnosis can help you tap into your subconscious mind and step up to the next level in your personal and professional life.

Stress and Anxiety

Are you constantly stressed by money and bills?

Use the law of attraction via hypnotherapy to attract money, release your money stress, and shift money blocks to invite financial success into your life and business.

Physical Health

If you have a suspicion that your physical illness or chronic pain is the result of something deeper, you’re in the right place.

Your mind and body are deeply connected. By accessing your subconscious mind through hypnosis, you can get to the root cause of your pain and begin the path to true, lasting health.

Struggling to fall asleep? Does your body feel out of whack? Do you have low energy?

Get to sleep and stay asleep with hypnosis recordings and/or personalized hypnotherapy sessions.

Better Sleep

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Hypnosis is a natural state of mind with many beneficial characteristics.

    It is a natural state because you experience the same brain waves that you have during sleep. Relaxation is the number one benefit to hypnosis. It allows you to exit flight or fight mode (sympathetic) and enter rest and digest (parasympathetic). This increases your immune, digestive and reproductive systems.

    It also allows for more higher mind thinking Hypnosis also relaxes the critical factor, your inner analyst, and allows you to re-program your subconscious with the ideas you choose.

  • Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that facilitates access to a person's internal resources to assist them in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change.

    It is the application of universally accepted self-discovery techniques and self-improvement methods utilized during the hypnotic state, that help to free you from fear-based programming and assumed limitations.

  • No, hypnosis is NOT brainwashing. Brainwashing involves entrenchment and deprivation. Hypnosis is a natural state where the mind is relaxed and open to new ideas. You as the client help the hypnotherapist design the suggestions that are delivered to your subconscious mind, so that you know what is being programmed and it also will resonate with you because it is your own words.

    The hypnotherapist helps phrase your wording in therapeutic language, so that it is more effective, but it is still your words.

  • No, you will not be unconscious while experiencing hypnosis. You remain conscious and aware of your surroundings. Hypnosis is facilitating communication between your conscious and subconscious mind, allowing you to investigate and update the programming in your mind.

    Things you may experience during hypnosis

    Body warmth

    Eyelid fluttering

    Increased lacrimation (tears in your eyes)

    Tingling or numbness in extremities

    Muscle relaxation

    Desire not to move (you can still move, but simply don't want to)

    Slow easy breathing

    Increased salivation

    Time distortion

    Dream-like imagery

    Increased awareness of the 5 senses

    Increased internal focus

    Micro-sleep - briefly drifting into sleep for a few seconds

  • No, hypnosis cannot make you do anything you don't want to. You will not do anything in hypnosis that is outside your moral code. You do not surrender your "will" to the hypnotherapist. You remain in control. Many people are familiar with stage hypnosis and people being "made" to quack like a duck or something else ridiculous for the sake of entertaining a crowd. Stage hypnosis is used as part of a comedy act. The comedian starts out with a large group and over time narrows it down to those willing to go along with their suggestions.

    The participants are choosing to engage and follow the comedian's suggestions. The comedian is not actually making them do anything. Hypnosis when used in hypnotherapy is a way to help you program new ideas, that you choose and help design, into your subconscious mind. It is a way to help you achieve your goals with the power of your mind.

  • Hypnosis is NOT a truth serum. Hypnosis is simply a state of relaxation that allows you to be open to new ideas.

    You will not divulge any secrets unless you choose to. You cannot be overpowered or controlled, in fact you can bring yourself out of hypnosis at anytime. You can lie in hypnosis if you choose.

    • Financial struggles

    • Trouble getting consistent client levels

    • Difficulty creating new habits

    • Physical or medical issues

    • Anxiousness

    • Stress reduction

    • Pain control

    • Boost the immune system by activating the Parasympathetic Nervous System

    • Expansion of consciousness

    • Cultivate Self-awareness

    • Spiritual Guidance

    • Emotional Growth

    • Changing Negative Patterns

    • Behavioral Changes

    • Increase motivation